For Immediate Release
Manassas, VA – 2/16/2022 - Piston2Jet would like to congratulate the newest graduate of the General Aviation Test Pilot Course held at Manassas Regional Airport. On February 16th, 2022, Piston2Jet graduated Test Pilot Class 2022-1 with Alex Walker from London, England. Alex completed the syllabus with 15.2 hours of flight instruction and 33.9 hours of ground training. He flew a DA-20 and Piper Cherokee during training. Alex is a CFI and Adjunct Faculty at Embry-Riddle. In completing the course Alex offered, "this was an excellent course, raising his piloting ability while introducing new techniques and maneuvers." He also strongly recommended the course if you are interested in test piloting as a future endeavor.
As graduates of the Federal Aviation Administration Part 141 approved General Aviation Test Pilot Course the participants are now able to analytically assess flight envelopes, performance, stability and maneuverability of a variety of aircraft. Additionally, the academic foundation provided by the course allows for the thoughtful and methodical creation of test plans, safety considerations, and final reporting of flight characteristics.
Certificate presentation photo: From left to right: Doug Yurovich, Chief Test Pilot P2J; Mike Hilton, Chief Flight Instructor P2J and Alex Walker, our newest P2J Test Pilot graduate.
For more information, press only:
Doug Yurovich
(703) 361-9200
For more information on this course:
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